Bright, Uniform, Recycled, and Cheap – is it even possible?

There is an old rule that you can have something done fast, well, or cheap, but you can only choose two. Let’s explore if this rule holds within the plastics industry, particularly concerning recyclate-based products. Two main reasons why regranulate-based, modified compounds became so popular:

  • the significant reduction in negative environmental impact,
  • and the cost-effectiveness

Material composition is the single highest cost in high-performance, specialized compounds. Let us take one of the most common questions of our customers: Is it feasible to create a recyclate-based compound with a vibrant, uniform color? In essence, yes. Yet, what about the concealed costs?

The (non)reduced carbon footprint

Let’s revisit the well-cheap-fast rule. In our context, “well” signifies high quality and the reduction of carbon footprint.

The first thing to consider should be the energy demand. Recycling consumes a vast amount of energy. Although these processes are relatively minor compared to recycling other materials, they remain incredibly power-hungry. While this fictitious recycling line may yield fine-quality regranulate, it would still fall short of the parameters set by its prime-grade counterparts.

Now imagine that recycled material, mixed from many different-colored waste, is colored bright, pastel, or even white. The amount of sorting by color would make this process even more power-hungry. If you decide to go straight to adding more and more colorant to achieve a uniform color, you’ve already made a product with a higher carbon footprint than virgin material-based.

PCR – cheap if you need, expensive if you want

Your best bet would be to use PIR (post-industrial recyclate), while the regulations target the use of PCR (post-consumer recyclate) – in other words – plastic waste. At the end of the day, we all want our materials to have a minimal environmental impact.

Industrial-grade compound waste is often made exclusively from prime materials of high quality and is well-sorted. On top of that the companies revert those within their manufacturing process. It makes it less available and more expensive. If you want to achieve similar effects with PCR you need to pay. In that case, quality equals price.

Cash is King

Quality is everything, yet within the well-cheap-fast equation, there is a rule within the rule: Cash is king. Cost-effectiveness in regranulate-based compounds predominantly stems from material selection. If the project mandates a vibrant, uniform-colored, high-performance compound, you must either:

  • accept the higher costs associated with sourcing materials from recyclers and compounders
  • or take matters into your own hands.

However, it’s worth noting that this could entail upgrading in-house laboratory facilities and doubling the personnel dedicated to Quality Assurance, Quality Control, and production. Electricity consumption, in-house lab, and other equipment would make this process less sustainable and hard to improve, given the smaller scale. At Polimarky, we ensure the quality of our compounds. It necessitates skilled personnel and state-of-the-art equipment, which inevitably impacts environmental and financial costs.

If your project demands brightly colored plastics derived from recyclate at standard recyclate prices, your options may be limited to some shady suppliers. It may also prompt a reconsideration of your approach.

Ugly is the new sustainable

As humans, we tend to get used to certain things. We are always on the lookout for nothing less than perfection, especially when it comes to how things look. In that context, the well-chap-fast rule is becoming a reality checker. It shows us that there are repercussions when our expectations aren’t all that considerate. Whether it’s harming the environment, jacking up prices, facing availability hiccups, or maybe even dealing with all of those at once.

So, here’s the thing: just because we’re using recyclable materials, does that mean we’re stuck with dull, dark colors for our products? Not necessarily. For starters, technology keeps advancing, promising more sustainable and cost-effective solutions down the road. Plus, there are regulations in place that weed out shady companies and false claims, clearing the path for more transparent practices.

We can also shift our mindset about aesthetics and embrace imperfection. Think about it: those slightly squished shapes, those uneven colors, and even intentionally “ugly” designs have huge potential. These days, many companies sell furniture and home decor that is intentionally raw just to show that the product is authentically sustainable. Those companies often charge a premium for their products.

Not only as plastic compounders but most necessarily as consumers, we shouldn’t forget about our power to shape the market. If we focus on product source, material composition, and verifying companies’ claims, we can change the industry faster than any potential regulation. We should also mention that those consumer-shaped market changes are long-lasting. What can we do now, then?

  • invest in long-lasting products
  • reduce unnecessary consumption
  • find ways to upcycle products
  • reject non-sustainable solutions

Any change is good, and, in that case, it is easily achievable. It’s all about perspective and recognizing the value in what’s not traditionally considered perfect. Whether you purchase or design the materials for your products or buy some stuff after hours, remember: there’s much more cost to those bright-colored recycled materials than meets the eye.

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Bright, Uniform, Recycled, and Cheap – is it even possible?

We take responsibility for natural resources and minimizing negative environmental impact plastic industry may create. We care for the future of our planet daily. We conserve water, treat wastewater from recycling processes, and reduce the consumption of electricity generated from non-renewable sources.

Our in-house recycling line feeds Polimarky’s needs for recycled PP. This way, the company is able to offset up to 2000 T/yr of polypropylene. Since we recycle a homogenous material, our products can deliver repeatable quality consistently.

By tracing our feedstock origins, we can ensure the quality of the end product and choose reputable sources.

Dbamy o dobrą atmosferę, rozwój oraz kładziemy nacisk na ochronę środowiska. W połączeniu ze zobowiązaniami wynikającymi z certyfikatów, jak choćby ISO 14001, nasza organizacja przykłada wagę do redukowania wpływu na naturę.

Polimarky’s strategy includes accountability on the procedural level. We also encourage a spirit focused on improvement and environmental protection.

Odpowiedzialność za środowisko naturalne zobowiązuje nas do tworzenia produktów, które mogą służyć przez długi czas. Rozumiejąc siłę konsumentów w kształtowaniu rynku, oferujemy trwałe materiały, potencjalnie zmniejszając zapotrzebowanie i użycie tworzyw niskiej jakości.

Smart Compounding principles require us to create products that can last for long. Understanding the power of the consumers to shape markets, we offer the manufacturers the materials that can be used in long-lasting, quality products, reducing the demand for cheaper, short-lived alternatives.

Obydwa zakłady produkcyjne Polimarky są częściowo zasilane instalacją fotowoltaiczną. Poprzez redukcję zużycia energii pochodzącej z węgla, zmniejszamy ślad węglowy wszystkich naszych tworzyw. Pełne uruchomienie instalacji zaplanowane jest na drugi kwartał 2024 roku.

Polimarky’s plants are powered by photovoltaic installation, producing 870 kW in peak. It reduces daily energy consumption coming from renewable sources, reducing our products’ carbon footprint further.

W naszych produktach wykorzystujemy tworzywo odzyskane w wewnętrznej linii recyklingu. Ponieważ przetwarzamy materiał jednorodny, nasze oparte na regranulatach tworzywa cechuje powtarzalna jakość. Rocznie w Polimarky recyklingowi podlega tysiące ton polipropylenu z big bag’ów, które zwykle produkowane są z materiału prime-grade.

Water used to clean and cool down the materials circulates within an enclosed system for up to a year. This way, we can save up on water consumption, reduce sewage, and utilize it for any microplastic contamination.

Giving back through experience

Polimarky was founded in 1984 as a chemical company and entered the pipe systems and compounding markets in 1986 and 1992, respectively. For the next 30 years, those two capabilities allowed for significant growth and valuable experience that we happily share with our partners now.

Get to know our products!

The idea of SMART COMPOUNDING affects our R&D and engineering efforts. Our team’s mission is to maintain high quality and adjust product specifications to customers’ needs and environmental requirements. Polimarky is a perfect partner for those who want comprehensive services for thermoplastics processing.

Woda używana do mycia i chłodzenia materiałów krąży w zamkniętym systemie nawet przez 12 miesięcy.

W ten sposób oszczędzamy zużycie wody, zmniejszamy odprowadzane ścieki i energię potrzebną do wcześniejszego zutylizowania mikroplastików, które mogą się w niej znajdować.

Rozwój wymaga współpracy. Znacząca liczba naszych pracowników otrzymuje roczne szkolenia związane z zawodem. Polimarky oferuje szereg wewnętrznych szkoleń każdego roku.

You can’t grow alone. X% of our workers receive profession-related training annually. Polimarky’s collaborative team provides x internal training every year.

Polimarky stara się promować zdrowy tryb życia, aktywność fizyczną i dbałość o środowisko naturalne. Dążymy do świadomych ekologicznie, kreatywnych rozwiązań w naszych zespołach, co wymaga pozostawania w najlepszej dyspozycji.

Polimarky has launched a well-being program that promotes active lifestyle and environmental education within the company. We strive for eco-conscious, creative solutions within our teams, which requires mental well-being.

Na przestrzeni lat, inżynierowie i technolodzy Polimarky opatentowali cztery rozwiązania, obejmujące metody recyklingu, polimery termoplastyczne oraz niepalne mieszanki ceramizujące.

Over the years, Polimarky’s skilled teams have patented four products and solutions, varying from recycling methods through thermoplastic polymers to self-extinguishing, ceramifiable cable compounds.

W Polimarky skupiamy się na dawaniu równej szansy każdemu. Ponieważ mniejsze społeczności na obrzeżach miast często otrzymują mniej środków finansowych, wspieramy te mniejsze ośrodki edukacyjne, aby uczniowie mogli cieszyć się takimi samymi korzyściami jak w lepiej sfinansowanych szkołach.

At Polimarky, we focus on giving equal chances to everyone. As the smaller communities around cities tend to have less funding, we often support those smaller education centers so their students can enjoy the same perks as in the better-funded schools.

Poprzez śledzenie pochodzenia naszych surowców, możemy zagwarantować jakość końcowego produktu i wybierać renomowane źródła.

Doświadczenie, które procentuje

Polimarky powstało 1984 roku jako firma chemiczna, a na rynku systemów instalacyjnych i compoundingu pojawiło się w latach 1986 i 1992. Przez dekady doświadczenie i wiedza naszego zespołu pozwoliła tworzyć wyjątkowe i innowacyjne produkty.

Poznaj nasze produkty!

Misją naszego zespołu jest tworzenie trwałych produktów, które spełniają rygorystyczne oczekiwania klientów oraz normy środowiskowe. W relacjach z klientami skupiamy się na dokładnym zrozumieniu ich potrzeb oraz indywidualnym podejściu.

Quality is the ultimate culmination of efforts. We understand that through building the supportive organizational culture, based on communication, mutual respect, growth, and environmental care, we all contribute to the quality of our products and services.

We believe that without the individual development of employees, organizations stall. By creating a right work environment, we encourage bold decision-making and constant learing mindset. This way, our skilled workforce can craft innovative solutions.

We prioritize building long-term relationships with our clients and partners. Earning customers’ trust requires us to keep promises and maintain transparency. Through mutual understanding, we all feel accountable for the business.

Respect for others is best expressed through interest and understanding of their needs. This motivates us to create a transparent, open organizational culture, clear communication, and a commitment to solutions that benefit everyone.

  • Mass flow rate (MFR), Volumetric flow rate (MVR) / ISO 1133

  • Filler content and identification / ISO 3451-1.4

  • Humidity / ISO 62 Shrinkage / ISO 294-4 Density / ISO 1183 Color (CIE L*a*b*)

  • Vicat softening temperature (VST) / ISO 306 

  • Heat deflection temperature (HDT) / ISO 75 Glow wire test (GWT) 5) / IEC 60695-2-12 

  • Flammability test acc. UL 94

  • Oxygen Index (LOI) / PN-EN ISO 4589-2 + A1:2006

  • Yield strength / ISO 527-1,2

  • Yield elongation / ISO 527-1,2

  • Tensile strength / ISO 527-1,2

  • Elongation at break / ISO 527-1,2

  • Izod notched impact strength / ISO 180

  • Charpy unnotched impact strength / ISO 179

  • Charpy notched impact strength/ ISO 179

  • Shore hardness [A/D] / PN ISO 868

  • DSC / PN-EN-ISO-11357

Halogen-free Flame Retardant Compounds

A wide range of non-halogenated flame-retardant polymers represents a modern solution for various industrial sectors. These advanced polymers stand out for their excellent durability and also embody an uncompromising commitment to safety by eliminating the presence of halogens. Polimarky’s extensive portfolio includes tailored solutions for diverse applications, ranging from the electronics industry to the automotive sector.

Name of product MFR, 230°C / 2, 16kg
[g/10 min]
ISO 1133
ISO 1183
Tensile Modulus
[MPa] ISO 527
Stress at break
[MPa] ISO 527
Strain at break
[%] ISO 527
Charpy notched impact
strength [kj/m²] ISO 179
Deflection temperature
under load HDT
1,8 MPa [°C] ISO 75
Flammability dassification
UL-94/ EN 60695-11-20
GWFI IEC 60695-2-12
V0HF NT 1B1100
12 1.06 1850 20 >50 3.5 58 V0 /1,6 mm 960°C/1mm
12 1.23 2600 23 >10 2.5 V0 /3,2 mm 750°C/2mm
V0HF NT 1A0000EX
3 1.37 7000 92 >2 11 148 V0 /1,6 mm 960°C/1mm
V0HF BK 1A0000
1.17 4200 70 >5 3.5 80 V0 /1,6 mm 960°C/1mm
V0HF BK 1B0100EX
1.42 9600 95 >1 9 200 V0 /1,6 mm 960°C/1mm
V0HF NT 1A0000EX
1.38 8500 145 >1 9 235 V0 /1,6 mm 960°C/1mm

Recyclate-based Compounds

Polimarky stays commited to care about the environemnt and the impact of our products on the planet. We offer a wide range of products based on recycled materials. The polymers produced are meticulously developed for specific purposes. The responsible use and recycling of plastics create opportunities for their application in various industrial sectors and daily life.

To ensure consistent quality, polypropylene is processed in our own recycling line. The homogeneous post-consumer recycled material undergoes recycling, providing control over the polymer’s parameters. This approach contributes to the sustainable functioning of plastics in multiple industrial sectors and everyday applications.

Name of product MFR
[g/10 min]
ISO 1133
ISO 1183
Tensile Modulus
[MPa] ISO 527
Tensile Modulus Yield
[MPa] ISO 527
Strain at break
[%] ISO 527
Charpy notched impact
strength z karbem
[kJ/m²] ISO 179
T20 BK 1A0000
14 1.05 2000 20 >25 3.0
BK 2A0000
35 0.98 1400 22 >10 2,5
M18 BK 3B0000
2 1.01 1600 24 >4 4
TlO BK 1B00000EX
1 0.98 1500 22 >10 6
GF30 BK 1A0000
3 1.15 5800 65 3 9
K30 BK 1A0000
11 1.13 2200 21 >30 4
Name of product MFR
[g/10 min]
ISO 1133
ISO 1183
Tensile Modulus
[MPa] ISO 527, Dry
Tensile Modulus Yield
[MPa] ISO 527, Dry
Strain at break [%]
ISO 527, suchy
UCharpy notched
impact strength
[kJ/m2] ISO 179, Dry
GF15 BK 1I0000EX
1.22 5500 80 4 5
GF30 BK 1l0000EX
1.35 8000 115 2 7
GF30 BK 2I0000EX
1.36 8200 128 2 7.5
GF50 BK 1I0000EX
1.56 13000 140 1 10
BK 1A0000
30 1.04 2100 35 >10 8

HFFR Cable Compounds

RESLEN REF line is a halogen-free cable compounds designed specifically for the cable industry, serving as a safe alternative to PVC cable sheaths.

The used method eliminates the release of harmful and toxic gases during combustion. This feature enhances the safety of the product during use. In the event of a fire, the compound exhibits self-extinguishing properties due to the release of solid aluminum oxide and water vapor.

  • These compounds exhibit stable processing within the temperature range of 140 – 195 °C
  • Don’t need for additional extrusion equipment
  • Polimarky offers a mixture for external applications such as HM2, HM4 LTS1, LTS2 with a flammability index of 38-41
  • The product is available in natural, white, gray, black, orange, and red colors
Name of product MFR 190°C / 21,6 kg
[g/10 min]
ISO 1133
MFR 150°C / 21,6 kg
[g/10 min]
ISO 1133
Density 23°C
ISO 1183
Tensile Strength
EN 60811 - 501
Elongation at break
EN 60811 - 501
Shore D hardness
ShD 23°C
ISO 868
Oxygen index [%]
ISO 4589
RESLEN REF 607 15 1.54 4 11 160 51 40
RESLEN REF 608 13 1.54 4.5 11.5 180 48 42
RESLEN REF 707 7 1.54 5 10 170 50 37
RESLEN REF FLEX 8 - 25 1.4 11 - 12 190 - 250 40 - 50 33 - 38

We offer testing services for all of our products in our in-house laboratories.

Engineering Compounds

With years of experience, modern production technology, an in-house Research and Development Department, and a Laboratory equipped with diverse measurement and control apparatus, we deliver products to the market with consistently high quality, manufactured through compounding various thermoplastic polymers.

Our modified materials are tailored to:

  • Enhance mechanical strength.
  • Improve impact resistance.
  • Enhance composition stability.
  • Reduce flammability properties.
  • Increase stiffness and dimensional stability due to processing shrinkage.
  • Elevate tribological and sliding properties.
Name of product Density
ISO 1183
Tensile Modulus
[MPa] ISO 527, Dry
Stress at break
[MPa] ISO 527, Dry
Strain at break
[%] ISO 527, Dry
Charpy notched impact
[kJ/m²] ISO 179
Deflection temperature
under load HDT 1,8 MPa
[°C] ISO 75
Vłcat softening temperature
VST B120 [°C] ISO 306
RESTRAMID B27 GF 30 1.36 9,600 185 1.5 13 - 18 215 210
RESTRAMID B27 GF 50 1.56 17,000 230 1.0 20 - 26 220 218
RESTRAMID A27 GF 30 1.36 10,000 200 1.5 12 - 16 250 213
RESTRAMID A27 GF 50 1.57 16,500 250 1.0 19 - 21 260 215

Tworzywa Poliolefinowe

RESLENY to modyfikowane polipropyleny (homopolimery i kopolimery) oraz polietyleny. Charakteryzują się szeroką gamą właściwości fizykochemicznych. Modyfikacja żywic polimerowych odbywa się zgodnie z wymaganiami przemysłu AGD, samochodowego oraz budowlanego i elektroinstalacyjnego.

Oferujemy przygotowanie mieszanek spełniających specyficzne wymagania Klienta. Nasza oferta dostępnych modyfikacji obejmuje napełnianie wypełniaczami mineralnymi typu

  • talk,
  • kreda,
  • baryt,
  • wzmacnianie włóknem szklanym i kulkami szklanymi,
  • uniepalnianie halogenowe i bezhalogenowe w klasach wg UL 94 i GWT,
  • różnego rodzaju modyfikacje typu udarowego, UV, LS, TS
  • barwienie w masie wg RAL, Pantone i wzorca Klienta.
NAZWA MFR 230°C / 2,16 kg
[g/10 min]
ISO 1133
ISO 1183
Moduł sprężystości
przy rozciąganiu
[MPa] ISO 527
Wytrzymałość na rozciąganie
[MPa] ISO 527
Wydłużenie przy zerwaniu
[%] ISO 527
Udarność wg Charpy'ego
z karbem [kJ/m²] ISO 179
Temperatura ugięcia
pod obciążeniem HDT
1,8 MPa [°C] ISO 75
Temperatura mięknienia
wg Vicat'a VST A120 [°C]
ISO 306
RESLEN PPH GF 30 1.12 6,200 90 2,0 - 4,0 8 140 158
RESLEN PPH GF 50 1.32 9,500 110 1,2 - 4,0 10 145 160
RESLEN PPH T 30 3-20 1.14 2,800 26 15 - 100 3 65 157
RESLEN PPX GF 30 1.12 8,500 98 1,0 - 3,0 11 150 150
  • Klasa palności
    wg UL-94/ EN 60695-11-20
  • Współczynnik palności
    rozżarzonym drutem
    GWFI IEC 60695-2-12
12 1.06 1850 20 >50 3.5 58

Nazewnictwo: GF włókno szklane, T- talk

Mieszanki Kablowe HFFR

RESLENY REF to bezhalogenowe mieszanki kablowe. Stworzone zostały z myślą o przemyśle kablowym. Są bezpieczną alternatywą dla osłon kablowych z PCW.

Zastosowany sposób uniepalnienia eliminuje wydzielanie się podczas procesu palenia szkodliwych i toksycznych gazów. Sprawia to, że zastosowanie osłony z mieszanki bezhalogenowej podnosi bezpieczeństwo użytkowe produktu. Podczas pożaru mieszanka wykazuje właściwości samogasnące ze względu na wydzielający się w postaci stałej tlenek glinu i parę wodną.

  • Mieszanki charakteryzują się stabilnym przetwórstwem w zakresie temperatur 140 – 195 °C.
  • Nie wymagają zastosowania dodatkowego oprzyrządowania wytłaczającego.
  • Polimarky oferuje mieszankę do zastosowań zewnętrznych typu HM2, HM4 LTS1, LTS2 o indeksie tlenowym 38-41.
  • Produkt dostarczany jest w kolorze naturalnym, białym, szarym, czarnym, pomarańczowym i czerwonym.
NAZWA MFR 190°C / 21,6 kg
[g/10 min]
ISO 1133
MFR 1S0°C [g/cm3]
ISO 1133
Gęstość 23°C/ 21,6 kg
[g/10 min]
ISO 1133
na rozciąganie [MPa]**
EN 60811 - 501
Wydłużenie przy zerwaniu
EN 60811 - 501
Twardość ShD 23°C
ISO 868
Indeks tlenowy [%]
ISO 4589
RESLEN REF 607 15 1.54 4 11 160 51 40
RESLEN REF 608 13 1.54 4.5 11.5 180 48 42
RESLEN REF 707 7 1.54 5 10 170 50 37
RESLEN REF FLEX 8 - 25 1.4 11 - 12 190 - 250 40 - 50 33 - 38

Oferujemy również usługi badania dla wszystkich naszych produktów przy użyciu posiadanych przez nas urządzeń testowych.

  • Ponad 50-letani gwarancja żywotności,
  • szybki montaż,
  • niska emisja hałasu – nie przenosi drgań ani dźwięków,
  • niski współczynnik oporu hydraulicznego (k = 0,008),
  • niski współczynnik przewodzenia cieplnego 
(0,22 W/m*K),
  • odporność na szeroki zakres substancji chemicznych,
  • można go stosować do przesyłu wody pitnej
  • service life of over 50 years,

  • reliability and fast assembly

  • low noise — does not transmit vibrations or sounds,

  • low linear resistance coefficient (k = 0.008) — no tube overgrowth,

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient (0.22 W/m*K),

  • resistance to a wide range of chemical compounds,

  • can be used to transfer potable water

PE-RT z barierą EVOH

RURA PE-RT z barierą EVOH
Średnica [mm] J.m Ilość w opakowaniu Waga [kg]
Ø 10 x 1,3* mb 200 0.07
Ø 12 x 2,0* mb 200 0.08
Ø 14 x 2,0* mb 200 0.09
Ø 16 x 2,0* mb 200 0.10
Ø 18 x 2,0* mb 200 0.10
Ø 18 x 2,5* mb 100 0.11
Ø 20 x 2,0* mb 100 0.16
Ø 25 x 2,3* mb 100 0.17

PPR SD6 w kręgu

Rura PP-R SDR 6 (S 2,5, PN 20) w kręgu
Średnica [mm]J.mIlość w opakowaniuWaga [kg]
Ø 10 x 1,3mb2000.08
Ø 12 x 2,0mb2000.09
Ø 14 x 2,0mb2000.10
Ø 16 x 2,0mb1000.12


Rura PP-R SDR 11 (S 5, PN 10)
Średnica [mm]J.mIlość w opakowaniuWaga [kg]
Ø 20 x 1,9mb1600.11
Ø 25 x 2,3mb1000.16
Ø 32 x 2,9mb600.26
Ø 40 x 3,7mb400.41
Ø 50 x 4,6mb400.63
Ø 63 x 5,8mb201.00
Ø 75 x 6,8mb81.39


Rura PP-R SDR 6 (S 2,5, PN 20)
Średnica [mm]J.mIlość w opakowaniuWaga [kg]
Ø 16 x 2,7mb2000.11
Ø 20 x 3,4mb1600.17
Ø 25 x 4,2mb1000.27
Ø 32 x 5,4mb600.43
Ø 40 x 6,7mb400.67
Ø 50 x 8,3mb201.05
Ø 63 x 10,5mb121.65
Ø 75 x 12,5mb122.34
Ø 90 x 15,0mb83.36
Ø 110 x 18,3mb45.05


Rury HFFR-RCT/GF SDR 6 (S 2,5, PN 20)
Średnica [mm]J.mIlość w opakowaniuWaga [kg]
Ø 20 x 3,4mb1600.18
Ø 25 x 4,2mb1000.28
Ø 32 x 5,4mb600.45
Ø 40 x 6,7mb400.69


Rury PPR/LFT SDR 6 (S 2,5, PN 20)
Średnica [mm]J.mIlość w opakowaniuWaga [kg]
Ø 20 x 3,4mb1600.18
Ø 25 x 4,2mb1000.28
Ø 32 x 5,4mb600.45
Ø 40 x 6,7mb400.69
Ø 50 x 8,3mb201.02
Ø 63 x 10,5mb121.78
Ø 75 x 12,5mb122.88
Ø 90 x 15,0mb84.09
Ø 110 x 18,3mb45.28


Rury PPR/GF SDR 7,4 (S 3,2, PN 16)
Średnica [mm] J.m Ilość w opakowaniu Waga [kg]
Ø 20 x 2,8 mb 160 0.15
Ø 25 x 3,5 mb 100 0.24
Ø 32 x 4,4 mb 60 0.39
Ø 40 x 5,5 mb 40 0.62
Ø 50 x 6,9 mb 20 0.85
Ø 63 x 8,6 mb 12 1.48
Ø 75 x 10,3 mb 12 2.40
Ø 90 x 12,3 mb 8 3.41
Ø 110 x 15,1 mb 4 4.40